I havn't posted a ton about my pregnancy but it is officially going to be coming to an end so I thought I would give an update. I went to my doctor for the last time last week and I am so glad to be done with the "weigh in's"!! :)
My body just doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to naturally so I am going in on friday to get started!!! Yaaaayyyyy!!!
I'm not sure if Owen really understands that we are literally going to be bringing a baby home but he gets so excited when you ask him about baby Eli and he keeps telling everyone that he is coming in a week and that he is nice. I am excited to see how he is going to be with him.
We can't wait for Eli to finally be here and we will be sure to keep everyone posted!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
BaBy Eli
Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Birthday...
This year we had Thanksgiving at my parents house. Everyone on my side came except my two brothers who live out of state. The kids all had a fun time playing cards, riding bikes, and playing football. The guys all took naps and watched football, and of course we ate ate ate!
The kids played apples to apples and loved it!!
John and Owen
Owen just turned 2 and his birthday happened to be the day before the big Utah Byu game (GO UTES!!!). We decided to combine the two and Party. We had a bunch of friends come over for dinner and the big game and had a cake for Owen for his B-Day.
Blowin out the candles

We had to have a UofU cake and this is as good as it gets! I had made one the night before and decided to put it in the oven so it would stay good for the next day. Well.......I woke up eairly to bake some cookies for the party, turned on the oven and proceeded to make my cookies. When I went to put in the first batch of cookies I found a completely melted and burnt mess all over the inside of my oven. Needless to say I had to hurry and make another one and unfortunaly it didn't look near as nice as the first one.......Oh well you just eat it right??

Monday, November 3, 2008
Finally a new Post..
I am so far behind on blogging! October was a busy month and has just flown by! The first week of October Owen and I went with my parents to Vegas to visit my brother and had a great time. We got babysitters and went the Cirque Du Soleil show "KA" and it was amazing!!!
About a week after I got home from Vegas I went with Justin's Mom and sisters to Palm Springs for a girls trip (of course I forgot my camera so I'll have to get some pictures from them to post later). We had a blast!! Lots of laying out......shopping......eating.......and laying out! Even though I missed Owen and Justin it was so nice to some relaxing time before the baby comes. We are getting really excited for the baby and I can't believe we only have a month left. I am on weekly appointments and next week they will do another ultrasound and give me a day that I can get started.
Owen was a beaver this year for halloween and was pretty excited about it. Justin picked out his costume...you don't see too many beavers!
Vegas Baby!
Owen and I went with my parents to visit my brother and his family in Vegas. Owen had so much fun playing with all of his cousins.
Jake, Owen, Carlee Katelyn, and Clark
Owen LOVED these sunglasses and pushing this doll around.......I'm not sure Justin was to impressed!