I know its been forever since I've posted, but we really haven't gone and done to many exciting things to share. Owen is almost 15 months and always has us laughing. He is learning to say alot of words but still just calls everyone mama. He has also learned that screaming and pointing gets the job done!
Making A Mudroom Bench
5 years ago
Oh My! He is so cute. What a doll you have!
He's so cute! I am so glad to see new pictures of him! When you get settled in your new place give us a call.. we're so glad you live by us now. Let us know if you need anything!
Yea!! I've been wanting to see some new pics! Does Owen only have two bottom teeth, that is so cute!! He has the sweetest little face ever:)
YAY...you've updated your blog! I've been waiting to see pictures of cute Owen! He is so big I can't believe it. I hope you guys are doing well and getting ready to move into your new house. Marci, I need to call you, it's been forever since we've chatted! Miss you guys! Love Pam
About time you updated this thing! I think Owen and Trev would be best buds because Trevor also calls everyone mama (including Ben) AND he accomplishes everything he needs with pointing and screaming. Did you guys find a house?
So stinkin cute. I love your little man. He is adorable. I am excited to see you guys when we get to Utah. Hope all is going well.
He has gotten bigger since we saw him last! He is so dang cute!! We are so excited for you guys to move out here! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!
What a cute little guy. He looks so much like you. Glad to see an update!
Marci, Owen is gettiung so big! we saw him at church and got so excited for our little guy to arrive. He is adorable.
We have to get together soon.
With those eyes, I would say screaming and pointing is all it would take! What a cute little guy! I know it's probably not the best adjective for a boy, but he really is a beautiful baby!
Hey, I found your blog through Eric and Dana's. Owen is super cute. I love the picture of him in his snow clothes!
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