Our cute friend/neighbor Jena (jenahendryphotography.blogspot.com) took our kids pictures and they turned out so cute! Here are a few........
Here is Isaac. He is almost 2 months old and growing up sooo fast.
Owen and Eli
I loved this picture. My cute Grandpa bought the boys this dog like 2 weeks before I had Isaac. I wasn't sure it was the greatest idea but they have loved him and he is growing on me! :) Owen named him Frank the Tank but we call him frankie....
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
HE'S HERE.........
And he's already 3 weeks old! Isaac Ray Simkins joined our family on August 15 and we couldn't be happier! He was 7lb 2oz and was 21inches long. Everything went so smooth with the delivery and Isaac is getting big and doing so well! Of course our camera was dead when Justin pulled it out to take some pictures so once I get some from our family I'll post some along with some new ones. Owen and Eli have been so good with their new baby brother and so far we've adjusted well to 3.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Lake Powell
We just got home from spending a week in Lake Powell with our family. We look forward to this trip every year and it didn't disapoint! I wasn't sure how it would be for me being 37 weeks pregnant but I didn't give birth so it was a successful trip! Owen and Eli had soooo much fun with all of their cousins and were quite the little water dogs!
Here is Grandma and Grandpa Simkins with all of the grandkids
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Half Marathon
Me and a couple of friends and sister-in-laws just ran the Hurricane Half. We had so much fun! I didn't know how well I would do being so pregnant but I'm happy to say I Finished! It was so great to get away with our friends, lay out by the pool and relax (with no kids), and eat out lots along with the race!

Kori and Me (Kori is pregnant to and did soooo good! She kept
me going and I would have died without her!)
getting my butt out running everyday.....lets just hope she knows
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Lets Start With.....
Our most exciting news lately......... If you haven't heard baby #3 is on it's way! Also, we found out it's another BOY! Truthfully, I was a little sad at first in hopes for a girl but after it sank in I've been really excited about it! Our only problem now is names! Boy names are soooo hard for us so hopefully we can come up with something!
We've been trying to keep ourselves busy lately to pass the time in hopes of Spring. This last weekend we went down to Parowan to spend some time with Justin's family at his Grandma's house. Our kids love it down there and we are always sad to come home!
Eli is constantly finding himself food to eat, searching out a diet coke to chug down, or causing trouble. He keeps us busy and entertained!
We took the kids swimming in St George. Owen is normally a nervous nelly but he couldn't get enough of the big slides. He has so much fun with his cousins!
Owen has mastered riding a big boy bike. He is so proud of himself and wants to show anyone and everyone his new skill!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Hardware Ranch
We went up with Justin's Family to Hardware Ranch and went on the sleigh ride. The kids loved seeing the elk so close.
Here are my cute nieces Libbie, Eliza, Landi and Addy.
Christmas & Birthday..
These pictures are in such a random order, but here is our December in a nutshell.
We had a great Christmas this year and I can officially say I am depressed it's all over! We loved being able to spend time with family, eat, and lay around enjoying the season! We stayed at my moms this year and luckily Santa found us there. The boys got way to much and have spent hours playing with all their fun new things!
Eli loved his Tonka truck. The kids pushed him around in it all morning!
On Christmas Eve at my parents they have a little talent show where the kids are welcome to share anything they want with us all. Unfortunatly my kids had nothing to contribue but they enjoyed watching all the cousins.
Here's my cute Grandpa and Eli. Eli is such a funny kid and his laugh is sooo contagious!
The cousins all had a snowball fight and Owen had a blast.
My Dad and Grandpa Hooked up the Horses and Sleigh and took us all on a ride. It was freezing cold but the kids had so much fun.
Last but not least.........Eli Turned ONE! This year has gone by so fast. Eli wasn't interested in all the presents but he sure loved cake! I've never seen a kid shove it in his mouth so quick. I should be sad that he's grown up so quick, but I'm not.....I love this stage.....He is so fun and Eli and Owen play together so well!