We went to the County Rodeo a couple weeks ago with Justin's family and Owen loved it (other than he was almost in tears when they roped the baby cows)!! I didn't take very many pictures but here are a few of him and his cute cousins!
Making A Mudroom Bench
5 years ago
OM-Gosh! What a cute boy! Ha Ha. I wanted to see a pic of Jut in Wranglers. That would be a delight! JCW (just can't wait) TSYG (to see you guys)!
Marci~I love your blog...you always say things the same way I do! You post the event and then add the disclaimer "a little late". That's the story of my life and my blog. Your family is so adorable...and Adrienne tells me you are getting ready to "pop"! Good luck! :-) Amy
How fun! I have never been to the rodeo.. Looks like a blast
It was good seeing you at Peach Days you look great! I want to be where you are now. Congrats again on the baby!
Marci, I just have to say that you are looking SO GOOD!! While I was talking to you saturday, your stomach kept shifting. I swear I saw the baby totally turn. I've never seen a pregnancy belly that has matched what mine looked like. I loved seeing you. Honestly, you look awesome! And I love your new hair color. AND, Owen keeps getting cuter and cuter each time I see him. I love his pregnancy picture!
Hey I am so excited that I found your blog! Your little one is darling-and congrats on your new one!
K! I got you added to our blog. If you don't get an invite let me know since I'm new at this whole switching to private thing..
So I am hosting an Usborne party (I've been buying tons of their books so I decided I to just host a party)if you would like to come look for Christmas gifts for your little boyS let me know and I'll send an invite. Your other "mommy" friends are invited too or family to buy for your boys!
Hey Marci-
I just set up a blog for Colleen Walsh and she wants an invite so she can view your blog.. Her email is cwalch08@gmail.com
her website address is walchfam.blogspot.com
Looks like fun! I love the pic of Owen with the belly! He is such a cutie!
I am so jealous that you went to a rodeo. I really wanted to go to one this past summer but never made it. Owen is so adorable. How are you feeling? You are due in Nov aren't you? I am so excited for you guys!!!!
he is such a cute little boy!
Hi Sweet Marci!
I just love your blog. I wanted to let you know that I have one too! walchfam.blogspot.com.... check it out when you have a second. Baby Owen ( who really isn't a baby anymore ! ) is just darling. And I'm excited for your new one... do you know what you're having yet? Keep in touch Marci ! I miss you !
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