So Owen has started to take his first steps. He has been walking along furniture for along time now, but all of a sudden he has decided to let go and walk. He can only take like 5-10 steps before falling, but it is always so exciting when they start doing new things for the first time. I tried to get some picture of him in action but this is as good as I could get.
Making A Mudroom Bench
5 years ago
I'm so glad to be the first to post. He is so cute little oreo!!!
Yay!! That is so exciting! He is the cutest thing ever!
How fun! I totally is so much fun when they do something new. I absolutely lvoe his little ute Hat. Jarom was laughing...and I'm sure was jealous. It makes him look like such a big boy. And I was so excited to see that somebody got that pony. My mom wanted to get it for jaxson sooo badly...but it wouldn't fit on the plane! Lucky little boy. I can't believe how hard i laughed when you siad BOth of them are scared of horses. I can't stop giggling. He is as cute as ever. When is #2 on the way?
I cannot believe he is already walking! We obviously need to see you guys more. He is just a beautiful boy!! Nate just said " gosh he is a cute kid minus that ute hat!"-Ha
Hey guys-
Owen is getting so big. Thats so much fun that he is starting to walk now. I was so excited when Makella started taking her first few steps.. I also wanted to tell you guys to check out of blog. We need to plan a dinner date with all of us. Lv, Justin, Ashlee, and Makella
Hi Marci! That was nice of you to post on my blog! You and Justin have the most beautiful little boy! I'm sorry, but he really is just beautiful!! It works out that way when the parents are really cute too! You three make the cutest little family!:)
Marci!! I cannot believe he is walking! He is so cute. I love little Owen so much! Hope to see you soon.
Hi Marci. I found your blog on Chelseas. Your little owen is so cute. I love that black and white picture of him.
Hey Marci-
I'm so glad you look at my blog and keep posting! Ya I will probably have to work until Justin is done w/ his degree. The goal is the end of summer semester. Next Aug. or so! I wish sooner, but we'll just see! It's crazy how fast time has gone. I can't believe Makella is already a year. It makes me sad to see how big she is, but at the same time its fun to see every new stage! Owen looks so big too! We really need to plan a night out when you are in SLC. It would be fun to see you guys and catch up, and I'm sure Owen and Makella would have a blast together!! Hope all is well with you up at your parents! Are you and Justin planning on finding a place when your parents get back from the mission??
He is so cute. I can't believe he is almost walking.
Look at him go! Face of determination...belongs on a Gap ad, I swear!! What a cutie.
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